3 Great Reasons to Rent in Grand Rapids

ApartmentRenting a house or apartment often gets a bad rap.

Many people assume that if you have the means, buying is ALWAYS better.  And don’t get us wrong – buying a house brings some great benefits.  However, there are many, many situations where renting is a superior choice.

Let’s dive into just a few of the reasons to rent a house in Grand Rapids.

 1.  Flexibility

One of the major advantages of renting is flexibility.  If you move into a house, and figure out that you hate the neighborhood, it’s easy to move on.  If you get a job in another city, you can relocate for a more convenient commute.  If you have a new baby or your daughter moves to college, you can upgrade or downgrade your apartment size as necessary. Continue reading “3 Great Reasons to Rent in Grand Rapids”

How to Qualify for Rent to Own Houses in Grand Rapids

roomRent to own houses in Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo are a wonderful way to get on the road to home ownership.  While there aren’t tons of these available (they tend to move quickly!), there are many advantages to this type of property.

First, you can move into a great house right away, and have a clear path to ownership.  Rather than renting one place, while you look to buy another, you get a very convenient two-for-one deal.  Secondly, if you don’t currently qualify for a mortgage, you can still live in a great house while building up your credit and down payment.

There are several other perks.  You can try out a neighborhood before you fully commit to it, and make sure the schools are right for you and your family.  You can take care of a home as if it’s your own, and really make it feel personal.  The list of benefits goes on and on.

So how do you qualify for rent to own houses in Grand Rapids?  While the conditions will vary based on the seller, here are a few basic guidelines to get you started.

 1.  Solid Income

Rent to own properties are rentals, but you also have the option to purchase it at some point in the future.  Therefore, the seller will want to see that you can consistently make payments.  If you have proof of reliable income and solid payment history, that is a great start. Continue reading “How to Qualify for Rent to Own Houses in Grand Rapids”

Understanding Housing Discrimination Law in Grand Rapids

No EntryWhile most people in the housing industry will treat you fairly, discrimination still occurs.  You don’t hear about many cases in Grand Rapids, but you should always be aware of your rights.  The better armed you are with knowledge, the more you can protect yourself from these illegal and immoral practices.

So what does the law say, and how can you protect yourself?  While we are not attorneys, and this shouldn’t be considered legal advice, here are a few basics to get you started.

Equal Credit Opportunity Act

Two federal laws are written to protect you against discrimination in the housing market in Grand Rapids.  The first is the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).  This law forbids credit discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age, or whether you receive income from public assistance.

This is very important when applying for any kind of financing.  Potential lenders in Grand Rapids may ask you for most of this information in certain situations, but they can NEVER use it to determine whether or not you get credit, or your loan terms. Continue reading “Understanding Housing Discrimination Law in Grand Rapids”

3 Quick and Easy Ways to Investigate Neighborhoods in Grand Rapids

MagnifyWhen you’re researching houses to buy or rent in Grand Rapids, you need more than the basics.  Knowing the beds, baths, and square footage of a house just isn’t enough!  You need to learn about the neighborhood, the crime rate, the schools, and nearby house values.

But how do you find that information quickly and easily?  As it turns out, you can navigate many free-to-use websites to find the important data.  How can you quickly find what you need to know in Grand Rapids neighborhoods?  Let’s dive in.

1.  Neighborhood Crime

If you’re not familiar with a particular neighborhood, it can be tough to gauge how safe the streets are.  Your best bet is to drive the area, visit local businesses, and ask the people that live there.  However, if you’re searching a lot of areas and houses, having quick access to crime data is a nice luxury. Continue reading “3 Quick and Easy Ways to Investigate Neighborhoods in Grand Rapids”

Should You Rent or Buy Your Next House in Grand Rapids?

thinkShould you buy or rent your next house?  For many decades, it seemed to be a no-brainer:  if you were able to buy a house, you did it!  But now, with more mobile lifestyles, changing housing markets, and the high quality of available rentals, it can be a tougher decision.

So how do you decide if you should rent or buy your next house in Grand Rapids?  In the end, it is a very personal decision.  However, here are a few key things to think about as you consider your options.

1.   Length of Stay

First, how long do you plan to live in your new house?  Are you confident that you like the neighborhood, the school districts, and the commute to work?  Think long term.

If you don’t think you’ll continue to enjoy the location in a couple of years, choose to rent.  If you’re not ready to settle down, buying doesn’t make much financial sense. Continue reading “Should You Rent or Buy Your Next House in Grand Rapids?”

The 5 Numbers You NEED to Know Before You Rent a House in Grand Rapids

DoorIf you’re ready to rent a house in Grand Rapids, there are a lot of details to consider.

Can we fit everything in our cars, or do we need to rent a truck?  Should we do a big purge before we move, or bring everything and decide later?  How the heck are we going to arrange the new living room?

But before you pack your bags, there are several key numbers you need to know.  Rental houses come with different challenges than apartments, and you don’t want to be blindsided by the unexpected.

1.  Association Dues

Different neighborhoods have different amenities.  Some might have a great community pool, and others maintain a playground or basketball court.  Some associations have clubhouses, and others provide a nice barbecue for residents a few times a year. Continue reading “The 5 Numbers You NEED to Know Before You Rent a House in Grand Rapids”

4 Crucial Steps to Achieving Your Real Estate Goals in Michigan

StairsDo you have a real estate goal for the coming year?  Perhaps you want to move into a nicer apartment, or transition into a new house.  Maybe you would like to start investing in rentals, or undertake a renovation that you’ve been waiting on for years.  Whatever the case, you need a solid plan!

So, whether you’re in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, or another part of Michigan, here are 5 crucial steps to help you reach your real estate goals.

1.  Decide What You Will Achieve

This is the crucial first step.  What do you want?  Be as specific as possible.  What will you achieve, and when do you want to accomplish it?  What are you willing to give in return?

Choose a single goal.  If you split your attention between multiple objectives, it is easy to lose focus; you may end up falling short on all of them.  Reaching what you want is hard work, and if you are able to have a laser-like focus on your end game, you are much more likely to achieve it.

The Latin root of the word decide is decidere, which meant “to cut off all other options.”  Choose a goal that is important to you, and DO NOT STOP working for it, no matter what.

There is great power in this type of decision! Continue reading “4 Crucial Steps to Achieving Your Real Estate Goals in Michigan”

4 Apartment ‘Extras’ You NEED to Check in Grand Rapids

ApartmentsWhen apartment hunting, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  Some days, it seems like there are 1,000 properties available, and it’ll be impossible to pick the right one.  Other days, it looks like nothing good is on the market!

First, it’ll be okay.  You will find a place.

Secondly, work hard to find the right apartment in Grand Rapids.  Don’t just count of bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage before signing the lease.  Keep an eye out for these unexpected twists, and you’ll be on the right track.

1.  Neighbors

When searching for an apartment, we tend to be pretty focused on the units themselves.  Are they the right size?  Are there enough kitchen cabinets?  Is there room for our dining room table?

These are good questions, and they are important.  However, don’t forget the ‘extras’ that come with apartment living. Continue reading “4 Apartment ‘Extras’ You NEED to Check in Grand Rapids”

3 Real Estate Sites You Should Use (That You Probably Haven’t Heard Of)

ComputerThere are many great real estate sites online.  First, there are the usual suspects.  Sites like Realtor.com, Zillow, Trulia, FSBO.com, ForSaleByOwner.com, and more.  But the internet is vast… there are a lot more quality sites out there!

So we wanted to shine the light on a few excellent resources that can help you with your home.

1.  Rentometer.com

This is a great real estate site for rentals.  It is simple and easy to use, and provides local rent numbers for just about everywhere in the country (including Grand Rapids).  Why is this useful?

First, if you’re looking for a place to live, this resource can help you figure out if your rent is fair.  They provide a nice range of prices, and indicate what is high and low for a given area.  You can quickly see if you’re getting a great deal. Continue reading “3 Real Estate Sites You Should Use (That You Probably Haven’t Heard Of)”

5 Hidden Costs to Watch Out for in Grand Rapids Real Estate Rentals

ApartmentWe are fortunate here in Grand Rapids.  We have a lot of great housing available, and most of it is fairly priced.  However, real estate rentals have some hidden costs that can really blow up your budget,

These extra dollars can really change your month-to-month rental cost.  So what should you watch out for before signing your lease?

 1.  Utility Costs

This is a big one, because it can run you anywhere from a few bucks to several hundred dollars.  Be very careful about what utilities you’re paying for, and how they’re measured! Continue reading “5 Hidden Costs to Watch Out for in Grand Rapids Real Estate Rentals”