The 5 Numbers You NEED to Know Before You Rent a House in Grand Rapids

DoorIf you’re ready to rent a house in Grand Rapids, there are a lot of details to consider.

Can we fit everything in our cars, or do we need to rent a truck?  Should we do a big purge before we move, or bring everything and decide later?  How the heck are we going to arrange the new living room?

But before you pack your bags, there are several key numbers you need to know.  Rental houses come with different challenges than apartments, and you don’t want to be blindsided by the unexpected.

1.  Association Dues

Different neighborhoods have different amenities.  Some might have a great community pool, and others maintain a playground or basketball court.  Some associations have clubhouses, and others provide a nice barbecue for residents a few times a year. Continue reading “The 5 Numbers You NEED to Know Before You Rent a House in Grand Rapids”