The 5 Numbers You NEED to Know Before You Rent a House in Grand Rapids

DoorIf you’re ready to rent a house in Grand Rapids, there are a lot of details to consider.

Can we fit everything in our cars, or do we need to rent a truck?  Should we do a big purge before we move, or bring everything and decide later?  How the heck are we going to arrange the new living room?

But before you pack your bags, there are several key numbers you need to know.  Rental houses come with different challenges than apartments, and you don’t want to be blindsided by the unexpected.

1.  Association Dues

Different neighborhoods have different amenities.  Some might have a great community pool, and others maintain a playground or basketball court.  Some associations have clubhouses, and others provide a nice barbecue for residents a few times a year.

PoolThese are nice perks.  However, they come with a cost.  After all, pools, basketball hoops, and playgrounds don’t pay for themselves!  Check in advance if the house is a part of a community association, and if you (as a renter) are responsible for dues.

Also, find out if there is an a pet fee for your property.  Many rental houses in Grand Rapids charge extra for cats and dogs, and some have breed restrictions.

These different charges can add up to a couple hundred dollars, which will wreck your budget if you’re not careful.

2.  The Phone Number for Maintenance Emergencies

Many apartment complexes have maintenance people on staff, or at least someone on call for emergencies.  But as a house renter, who do you call if your water heater starts leaking all over the floor?  What if a window breaks in a hailstorm?

Find the number for maintenance emergencies, and put it right on your fridge.  Hopefully, you will never have to use it.  But if you do, you’ll be glad you don’t have to dig for it!

3.  Internet Service Pricing

In-home internet is the new normal, and is almost necessary nowadays.  But depending on your area, the service pricing can vary widely.

InternetFor instance, you might be able to swing that $20/month deal from a national provider.  Or, you might get stuck with a $75 plan from the local phone company.  Or, you might have to go with a mobile hotspot (or satellite service), which can run $150/month or more.

Make sure to do some research ahead of time, so you don’t get stuck with internet that costs an arm and a leg.

4.  Snow Service Fees

Depending on your area, house, and personal situation, shoveling yourself out of a snowy driveway may not be an option.  Maybe it’s a huge driveway.  Perhaps you are not physically able to do the work.  Or maybe, like many people, you just hate shoveling!

In some rental houses in Grand Rapids, the snow service is included in the rent.  At others, you’re expected to foot the bill.  Ask around, and find out what your new neighbors do.  Sometimes, you can find a great local person to plow, but you may need to hire a company.  Investigate before the first snow falls, or get ready to scramble.

Snow5.  Average Utility Costs for the House

Utilities can really wreck a budget in West Michigan.  Insulation, window types, and attic structure make a huge difference in your heating costs, and the built-in appliances may be hard on your electric bill.

Try to estimate your monthly electricity, gas, and water costs.  Your landlord may have copies of recent statements, or you can call the provider and ask.  No one wants to be shocked by a huge utility bill, so if you can closely guess the numbers in advance, you’ll be much better prepared for the cold months.

So do a little research, and move confidently!