4 Apartment ‘Extras’ You NEED to Check in Grand Rapids

ApartmentsWhen apartment hunting, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  Some days, it seems like there are 1,000 properties available, and it’ll be impossible to pick the right one.  Other days, it looks like nothing good is on the market!

First, it’ll be okay.  You will find a place.

Secondly, work hard to find the right apartment in Grand Rapids.  Don’t just count of bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage before signing the lease.  Keep an eye out for these unexpected twists, and you’ll be on the right track.

1.  Neighbors

When searching for an apartment, we tend to be pretty focused on the units themselves.  Are they the right size?  Are there enough kitchen cabinets?  Is there room for our dining room table?

These are good questions, and they are important.  However, don’t forget the ‘extras’ that come with apartment living.

PeopleFirst, remember that other people will be living very close to you.  While this sounds obvious, the vibe of a rental can change drastically based on the neighbors.

So check the surrounding area.  Can you hear your neighbors talking through the wall?  Do people scowl as they walk by? Have they ignored their lawns for six months?

All of this may seem minor as you frantically look for a place to live.  But after a few months, those small things can get irritating.  Check the area and people in advance, and be ready!

2.  Parking and Transportation

We all need to get places.  Work, the grocery store, Aunt Mildred’s house, etcetera.  Some apartments and rentals make this easy, and some don’t.

CarsIf you have a car, make sure to take careful stock of the parking situation.  Do you have a dedicated spot?  A shared driveway?  Street-only parking?  In a Grand Rapids winter, a garage or carport can save you 10 minutes of ice scraping every morning.

If you regularly use public transportation (which is a great choice, by the way), check for the nearest bus lines.  Which routes come near you, and how often?  It’s not fun to realize you’re going to have to wait an extra two hours to go buy groceries.

Make sure you understand the travel situation before you start, and you will thank yourself later.

3.  Laundry

Washing your clothes can be tedious.  Fortunately, many apartments in Grand Rapids have laundry within the unit.

However, this convenience often carries an extra cost.  So consider your washer and dryer situation carefully.  Are you comfortable using a community laundry area?  Is there a laundromat close by if you need it?  Do you have a stockpile of quarters for that coin-operated machine?

Remember, you’ll be dealing with clothes every few days – figure out what you’ll need to tackle in advance!

Internet4.  Internet

It’s easy to take the internet for granted.  If you have had consistent web access for years, you can forget that (relatively) cheap wifi service doesn’t exist everywhere.

Depending on your location, you may only have access to one internet provider.  Or none!  If you want to go online from your apartment, you may need to work with the local phone company at a higher rate, or get a wireless unit from a cell phone provider.  Alternatively, you may suddenly be faced with a data cap, which can be jarring if you’ve never experienced it.

Make sure to do some research ahead of time, and see what your options are.  Factor those costs into your budget, so you’re not stressed come bill time.

Keep an eye out for these things, and you will have a much more pleasant time at your new apartment.  Enjoy!