4 Apartment ‘Extras’ You NEED to Check in Grand Rapids

ApartmentsWhen apartment hunting, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.  Some days, it seems like there are 1,000 properties available, and it’ll be impossible to pick the right one.  Other days, it looks like nothing good is on the market!

First, it’ll be okay.  You will find a place.

Secondly, work hard to find the right apartment in Grand Rapids.  Don’t just count of bedrooms, bathrooms, and square footage before signing the lease.  Keep an eye out for these unexpected twists, and you’ll be on the right track.

1.  Neighbors

When searching for an apartment, we tend to be pretty focused on the units themselves.  Are they the right size?  Are there enough kitchen cabinets?  Is there room for our dining room table?

These are good questions, and they are important.  However, don’t forget the ‘extras’ that come with apartment living. Continue reading “4 Apartment ‘Extras’ You NEED to Check in Grand Rapids”