3 Great Places to Grow Your Grand Rapids Real Estate Network

Grand RapidsWant to flip houses or own rental properties?  Great!  The world can use more quality homes for people to buy and rent.  But as we’ve mentioned in previous posts, you can’t do it alone.  You will need to work with realtors, appraisers, title companies, inspectors, and many more folks in order to be successful.

If we work together, we can all achieve more.  Here in Grand Rapids, we have a great advantage – there are some great groups around!  Here are three you should check out if you want to grow  your Grand Rapids real estate network.

We are involved in all three of these groups, and get great value from each.  So jump in!

1.  Rental Property Owners Association

Otherwise known as the RPOA, this is a group that focuses on helping landlords and real estate investors succeed.  As of this writing, they are the largest landlord association in Michigan, and are able to offer a wide variety of benefits and services. Continue reading “3 Great Places to Grow Your Grand Rapids Real Estate Network”

5 Ways to Avoid Scams on Craigslist Real Estate in Grand Rapids

ComputerThe Craigslist real estate section can be wonderful.  I have recommended it in several previous posts, including the 3 best ways to find homes for sale in Grand Rapids, tips for working with FSBO homes, and the Ultimate Guide to Buying and Selling Real Estate in Grand Rapids.  It has a lot to offer, and when used properly, can be a great resource.

However, there is are some risks.  Since postings are not monitored for content and legitimacy, there are scams on the site.  The type of fraud varies, from fake money transfers to shady leases, but all can leave you high and dry.  How can you avoid scams, while still taking advantage of this great resource?

1.  Stay Local

First, work with local people who you can meet in person.  The Craigslist real estate site for Grand Rapids has a lot of postings from local property managers, owners, and sellers.  When you call on an ad, find out where they are located.  Offer to walk through the property with them, or meet at a nearby coffee shop. Continue reading “5 Ways to Avoid Scams on Craigslist Real Estate in Grand Rapids”

What to Expect with Rent to Own Real Estate in Grand Rapids MI

RoofRent to own real estate can be a great choice in Grand Rapids.  But it can be a little confusing at first.  What is a rent to own property?  What is the tenant-buyer responsible for, and how does it all work?

Fortunately, once you understand the basics, you can take advantage of this excellent option.  You can live in your dream house as you prepare to get more traditional financing, and help build up your credit along the way.

Getting Started

First, how do you find rent to own real estate in Grand Rapids?  There are a few options, and some are easier than others.  First, check with a local Realtor.  They will be able to run a quick search on properties on the MLS, and check if any are offering their homes for sale as a lease option.  From there, you can set a showing, follow up, and begin the process. Continue reading “What to Expect with Rent to Own Real Estate in Grand Rapids MI”

Grand Rapids Rentals: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

GBUWe are very fortunate in Grand Rapids, MI.  There is a lot of quality housing available, and most of it is fairly priced.  However, there are some unfortunate stories from both landlords and tenants about their worst experiences.

So how do you find Grand Rapids rentals that are good, or even great?  How do you avoid the bad?  And perhaps most importantly, how do you see the ugly in advance, and run 100 miles an hour in the opposite direction?

The Good

Let’s start with the bright side.  Most Grand Rapids rentals are nice places that are priced fairly.  If you’re searching for a rental now, I recommend you read our earlier posts on the 3 quickest and easiest ways to find houses for rent and the 4 things to remember as you hunt for apartments.  But how do you know if the rental will be good?  Check a few things. Continue reading “Grand Rapids Rentals: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”

Looking for Grand Rapids Realty? 4 Things to Remember BEFORE you Choose a Realtor

HouseIf you choose to hire a Realtor, pick the right one.  The wrong Realtor can lose you money, waste months of your time, and leave you pulling your hair out.  The right professional can make the home buying and selling process pleasant and fast.  But if you’re looking for Grand Rapids realty, what should you look for before signing the paperwork?

1.  Check their references.

References are crucial.  If you know someone who has recently sold (or bought) a home, ask them which Realtor they used, and how they would rate them.  If you know someone in the real estate industry, get names of the top folks they would recommend.  If you are looking for Grand Rapids realty, you can ask us for a reference.  If you need more recommendations, there are a number of online resources and review sites where you can begin your search. Continue reading “Looking for Grand Rapids Realty? 4 Things to Remember BEFORE you Choose a Realtor”

5 Things 80+ hours of Driving Taught Me About Meeting Goals in Residential Real Estate in Grand Rapids

RoadA road trip… the classic American vacation.  Hitting the open road, seeing beautiful parts of the country, and catching a glimpse of what makes this country great.  It is a wonderful adventure, and hopefully everyone gets to experience it at least once.

However, be ready for the long haul.

Getting to a destination several states away takes a LONG time.  Like many of you, I am very busy, and my days are tightly packed with things to accomplish.  So spending 80+ hours in a tight space, without much to do, seemed daunting.  Little did I know that this time was exactly what I needed, and taught me a lot about meeting my goals in residential real estate.

1. The Journey is the Destination

On the road, I initially wanted to arrive at our next destination as quickly as possible.  However, on a road trip, there are always hundreds of miles in front of you.  No matter how you slice it, there is a long way to go.

At some point, I realized that the time in the car wasn’t just an interlude to the vacation.  The hours on the road WERE the vacation.  It was wonderful time to think, relax, and enjoy time with family.  By living in the moment, I was able to appreciate the highway, rather than being cranky, cramped, or grumpy. Continue reading “5 Things 80+ hours of Driving Taught Me About Meeting Goals in Residential Real Estate in Grand Rapids”

3 Great Reasons to Sell Your Home as a Rent-to-Own in Grand Rapids, MI

HouseThere is a ton of confusion about rent to own houses in Grand Rapids.  At first glance, they seem overwhelming.  How do you set them up?  What paperwork do you need?  What kind of title transfer occurs, and when?

These are all FANTASTIC questions.  But to start, let’s begin with the basics.  If you’re selling your home, why would you want to sell it as a rent-to-own?

1.  Speed

Selling your home traditionally can take a looooong time.  Depending on the market, your home, your asking price, competition, and many other factors, it can take a long time to get an acceptable offer.

Once you receive an offer sheet, it’s still not over.  There’s the inspection period, potential for further negotiations, title work, and more.  Combine these things together, and you can end up waiting months to get your house sold.

MoneyIn many cases, this long wait is just not an option.  If you need to move for your career or family, for instance, speed can be crucial.  If you have to move in days or weeks, the traditional methods of selling may simply take too long. Continue reading “3 Great Reasons to Sell Your Home as a Rent-to-Own in Grand Rapids, MI”

4 Things to Remember as You Hunt for Apartments in Grand Rapids MI

Apartment 1Apartment hunting can be a long and trying process.  How many bedrooms do I need?  What can I afford?  Is the in-unit washer and dryer worth the extra 20 minutes of work commute?

As you search for apartments in Grand Rapids, MI, there are several things to keep in mind.  Remember, there are many great places to rent… we are blessed with some high-quality landlords here.  But before you move in, keep a few things in mind.

1.  Read and Understand the Lease

This sounds like a basic tip, but it is extremely important.  Before you sign up for a multi-month (or year) commitment, know what you are getting into.  Just a few things to look out for:

-Length of the lease: Is the agreement month-to-month, six months, a year, more?
-Renter responsibilities: Which utilities are included, and which aren’t?
-Late Payment Penalties: How much are they, and how are they assessed?
-Rules about early move-out: If you absolutely need to move out before the end of the lease, what is the procedure?
-And More

Essentially, you don’t want to be surprised by anything.  While it is a lot easier to just sign the agreement without reading it, you should take your time.  It can save you a lot of headache later on. Continue reading “4 Things to Remember as You Hunt for Apartments in Grand Rapids MI”

The 3 Quickest and Easiest Ways To Find Houses For Rent In Grand Rapids, MI

BedroomThat’s it.  I’m done.

There are officially NO houses for rent in Grand Rapids!  It’s all either scams or apartments!

Sound familiar?  I’m positive I’ve said those things more than once.  A few years ago, when I was searching for a house for rent in Grand Rapids, I felt like I was running into a brick wall.

I wasn’t sure where to look for a house, and my trusty Google searches didn’t seem to be helping.  I was scouring website after website, trying to find anywhere that had more than three houses for rent.  No dice.

I called friends, and they seemed to all find their places through family or ‘someone they knew.’  Which is great, but what if you don’t have an Uncle Joe who happens to rent out houses?

Fortunately, by asking a lot of questions, and not quitting, I found some great resources that are still strong today. Continue reading “The 3 Quickest and Easiest Ways To Find Houses For Rent In Grand Rapids, MI”

The Ultimate Guide to Buying and Selling Real Estate in Grand Rapids, MI

Ultimate Guide to Buying and SellingBuying and and selling houses can be tricky.  Here in Grand Rapids, MI, we have a huge variety of markets and sub-markets, wildly different seasons, and enough options to make your head spin.  Do you buy a historic home in Heritage Hills, or a brand new build in Walker?  A side-by-side duplex in Kentwood, or a 3/2 in Wyoming?

What about the Kalamazoo, Portage, or Parchment areas?  Am I crazy to consider a rent-to own, and will a new build be way too expensive?  All of the questions can drive you nuts.

Fortunately, we can cut through the clutter.  If you’re looking to buy or sell a house in Grand Rapids, MI, or the surrounding areas, read on!

How to Find Real Estate Deals

How to Find Real Estate DealsLet’s start on the purchasing side.  Where do you start if you want to find the right home for your family (or the perfect investment)?

The ‘Tried and True’:  First, you can talk to a Realtor.  The right Realtor can provide a huge boost to your home search.  Since they work in your local market every day, they often get wind of great deals before they hit the MLS.  In addition, many homes are easier to access if you have a Realtor on your team.  They can show you a dozen houses in a day if you like.  Visit this page for great tips on picking the RIGHT Realtor.

The ‘Tech Savvy’:  The internet has a huge number of sites where you can look up available homes for free.  Zillow.com, Trulia.com, Realtor.com, FSBO.com, and ForSaleByOwner.com, are excellent places to start.  Looking through these sites can give you a great idea of what is available here in Grand Rapids, MI.

The ‘Do-it-Yourself’:  If you are willing to put in the work, you can find and create your own deals.  While this is more of a commitment, these ‘diamond in the rough’ properties often wind up being great deals.  Many of the best deals and homes aren’t listed on the MLS, so you’ll either have to find your own motivated sellers or know someone who does.  Which leads us into our next point… Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Buying and Selling Real Estate in Grand Rapids, MI”