How to Make a Competitive House Offer in a Hot Market (Like Grand Rapids) Without Losing Your Shirt

SunMany home buyers are starting to get stressed about the market.  We’re straddling the thin line between spring and summer, and houses are moving fast in Grand Rapids.

If you’re looking to buy now, how can you compete in the middle of a hot market?  Generally, sellers are looking for a combination of three things:

  1.  The highest price possible
  2.  The highest likelihood of closing
  3.  The smoothest process, with the fewest headaches

Different sellers will have different priorities.  Some will only care about the highest possible price.  Others will want the quickest and easiest closing, even if they get a little less money in the end.

Knowing this, there are several things you can do to make your offer more attractive.  Let’s dig in to some specifics.

 1.  Get Pre-Approved by a Lender

Once you are serious about making offers, talk to a few mortgage companies.  Shop around for services and recommendations, and don’t be afraid to ask for specifics like interest rates and fees.  Once you feel comfortable that you’ve found a great provider, ask them if you can get pre-approved for a loan. Continue reading “How to Make a Competitive House Offer in a Hot Market (Like Grand Rapids) Without Losing Your Shirt”