4 Steps to OWNING the Outdoor Space in Your Grand Rapids Home

SummerSummer is here, and it’s great to be outside!

Well, if you like your outdoor space, that is.

Unfortunately, many people don’t take advantage of their yard, porch, or balcony because they don’t enjoy the area.  Perhaps it’s too cluttered, or simply feels too small.  Maybe yard work and landscaping seem overwhelming, and you’re not sure what to ‘do’ with it.

Have no fear!  You don’t need to be stuck inside with your A/C or box fans all summer.  You can love your outdoor space, and make it one of the best parts of your Grand Rapids home.  So where do you start?

 1.  Make ONE Goal

First, figure out what is most important to you for your outside area.  Do you want to be able to make dinner on the grill?  Do you want a fun play-area for your kids?  Do you just want a slip and slide?

Whatever the case is, start with ONE goal.  It can be very overwhelming to try five things at once.  A single target is much easier to hit! Continue reading “4 Steps to OWNING the Outdoor Space in Your Grand Rapids Home”