4 Steps to OWNING the Outdoor Space in Your Grand Rapids Home

SummerSummer is here, and it’s great to be outside!

Well, if you like your outdoor space, that is.

Unfortunately, many people don’t take advantage of their yard, porch, or balcony because they don’t enjoy the area.  Perhaps it’s too cluttered, or simply feels too small.  Maybe yard work and landscaping seem overwhelming, and you’re not sure what to ‘do’ with it.

Have no fear!  You don’t need to be stuck inside with your A/C or box fans all summer.  You can love your outdoor space, and make it one of the best parts of your Grand Rapids home.  So where do you start?

 1.  Make ONE Goal

First, figure out what is most important to you for your outside area.  Do you want to be able to make dinner on the grill?  Do you want a fun play-area for your kids?  Do you just want a slip and slide?

Whatever the case is, start with ONE goal.  It can be very overwhelming to try five things at once.  A single target is much easier to hit!

Barbecue2.  Fit Your Goal into Your Space

Once you’ve determined your top priority, analyze your space.  Every home will have different challenges.  Perhaps you have access to your apartment’s common area, but only a 4′ x 8′ balcony to call your own.  Maybe you have neighbors whose dogs are always running into your yard.  Or maybe you have 10 acres of land, but it’s all scrub cover instead of soft grass.

Get creative!  Now that you know what you want, put your imagination to work.  Draw up some plans, talk through it with family and friends, and let the ideas flow.  You’ll be surprised at home many good thoughts come to mind when you focus on finding a solution.

3.  Picture Your Ideal Situation, then Work Back into Reality

Your brainstorming will likely result in some fantastic ideas for your Grand Rapids home.  You’ll have a beautiful space planned for your favorite activity, and the dream will be great.  Go wild!

But then the elephant in the room will come out… the budget.

HammockYour dream space might be a bit more expensive than you are hoping for.  Maybe the perfect fire pit is $300, the beautiful grill is $500, and the amazing water fountain you found on Pinterest is $225 (plus shipping and handling, of course).

Refocus your efforts by concentrating on FUNCTION instead of ITEMS.  If the ‘perfect’ barbecue solution is out of your price range, it doesn’t have to ruin your plan.  Just start where you can, and focus on the experience.

For instance, you can start with a simple charcoal grill for less than $30, or ask around to see if anyone is getting rid of theirs.  You can pick up an amazing sprinkler toy or kid’s swing set from Craigslist for a fraction of the original cost.  You can join a Facebook group for Grand Rapids sales, and find amazing outdoor decorations that people practically give away.

So focus on your goal, and find creative ways to make it happen.  Remember, the fun of summer is in the experience, not the price tag of the toy!

Dog4.  Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Once you’ve crafted an outdoor space for your top goal, you’re in business.  Get out there and enjoy it!

Now that your first objective is accomplished, feel free to set the next one.  Maybe it’s time for a rock garden, or some home-made flower boxes.  As long as you prioritize, and tackle one task at a time, you will wind up with a great outdoor space for your Grand Rapids home.

And of course, upgrading what you’ve already done is always an option.  If you’ve got your heart set on the TechnoGrill Max5000 with Rocket Boosters, make that your next priority.

So get out there, and own the summer!