5 Things a Toddler Taught Me About Real Estate Investing in Grand Rapids

SwingAh, toddlers.

Those of you who have been parents, aunts, uncles, or babysitters can tell you – a 2 year old kid is a wild ride!  Amazingly,  toddlers are also chock full of wisdom (despite not being potty trained).  While it seems like their knowledge would be confined to crayons, toys, and books made out of cardboard, you can learn much more from them.

Fortunately, our two year old (we’ll call her Little Bear) has taught me a ton about real estate investing in Grand Rapids.  Here are just a few of her lessons I’ve tried to apply to our work.

 1.  Be persistent.

Little Bear loves to go outside. LOVES IT.  I think if she could live in a tree house 24/7, she would be overjoyed.

SnowIt doesn’t matter if it’s freezing cold, pouring rain, or windy enough to blow down a tree… she wants to go out.  If we tell her ‘not right now,’ she will ask again about 20 minutes later.  When we finally get outside (for as long as time and temperature allow), she doesn’t care about the nasty weather.  She’ll splash water around, pick up snow, jump in puddles, anything.

In short, she doesn’t let the challenges stop her from having a great time.  She sets her goal, and makes the best of it.

If you can apply this lesson to real estate investing in Grand Rapids, you’ll be nearly unstoppable.  Whether you’re interested in buying a rental, flipping a house, or working with notes, you will face many challenges.  You’ll experience unexpected delays, stressful conflicts, and plenty of self-doubt.  If you push through the difficulty, and always make the best of your situation, you will find success.

2.  Use whatever you’ve got.

2 year-olds are constantly on the move.  Whether they’re finding the (37th) perfect place for their doll, moving pillows from the couch to the bed (to the floor… to the chair…), or just RUNNING, they have a lot of plans.

Toddlers are also very small.

So, they face a challenge – how do I get where I want to go?  How can I get onto the couch, or get my baby on top of the counter?

Little Bear, like most 2 year olds, will just use what she has.  If she can find a stool, she’ll stand on it.  If she has to stack up pillows like a staircase, that works too.  If all else fails, she can throw the doll to it’s destination (followed by the blanket, pacifier, and toy bottle).

This is a GREAT way to approach real estate investing.  Few people are blessed with infinite time, wisdom, and money.  However, we all have something we can offer.

Maybe you’ve saved up some cash from a second job.  Or you’re flat broke, but have a flexible schedule that allows you to hustle harder.  Maybe your old roommate’s cousin is a property manager, and you can learn the ropes from her.

Whatever the case, dig in.  Don’t let the things you LACK define your progress.  Make the most of your available resources, and constantly strive to reach your goals.

3.  Don’t be afraid to say NO.

Little Bear is very clear with her wishes.  Some days, she wants 3 helpings of green beans.  Other days, simply mentioning a green bean will get a hard NO, complete with a frantic hand wave to push away any POSSIBLE bean.

‘No’ is a very powerful word in our toddler’s arsenal.  It helps her express her wishes, communicate boundaries, and keep control over some elements of her life.

NoAs you progress in your real estate investing in Grand Rapids, you will have more and more demands on your time.  Unleash your inner 2-year old, and say NO to things that don’t help you on your path.

Don’t be afraid to walk away from a deal if the numbers don’t work.  If an exciting opportunity comes up in another state, but you want to stay local, turn it down.   If a guru is pitching ‘the next best thing,’ but it doesn’t line up with your goals, say no.

If you want to be successful, you must stay focused.  By saying NO to the wrong opportunities, you leave yourself the time and space to say YES to the right ones.

4.  Keep a cheerful spirit.

Life is a roller coaster… especially when you’re 2.  One minute, you’re running along, having the time of your life.  The next, you’ve tripped and scraped up your knees (again).  Or perhaps you’re enjoying a delicious M & M, only to be devastated when you realize you’re only allowed to have one.  Bath time rolls around, but the imaginary pizza in your kitchen still has 3 minutes to bake.

The ups and downs can be exhausting.

Happy CoffeeHowever, through it all, Little Bear is able to keep her cheerful spirit.  After a quick kiss of her boo-boos and an encouraging word, she’s ready to run again.  She might not get any more M & Ms, but her strawberries taste great too.  That pizza might be unfinished, but there are some great bath toys waiting!

Don’t let the world beat you down.  Real estate investing is a long-term game; you probably won’t find massive success in your first month.  Stay cheerful, and keep your enthusiasm as you experience setbacks.  You’ll make progress much quicker with a happy heart.

5.  Be honest in everything you do.

Toddlers are brutally honest.  If you have a runny nose, they will make a grossed-out face and tell you that ‘you need a tissue.’  If you wear a ridiculous shirt, they will ask you ‘what is that?’ and be confused by your answer.  They laugh genuinely, hug lovingly, and tell you what they want with clarity.

On the flip side, it is crucial to keep your promises.  If you tell a 2 year old they get a treat once you arrive home, they will remember.  If you say that you only have to wipe their face ‘one more time,’ but go for 3 extra scrubs, they will protest.

Simple, direct honesty is best.

The same thing applies to real estate investing.  Always be honest.  Whether you’re dealing with partners, clients, or contractors, tell the truth and keep your promises.

So go ahead.  Channel your inner toddler, and make it happen!

Have any extra lessons to add from the kids in your life?  Leave a comment! the more knowledge we can spread, the better.

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