What to Expect with Rent to Own Real Estate in Grand Rapids MI

RoofRent to own real estate can be a great choice in Grand Rapids.  But it can be a little confusing at first.  What is a rent to own property?  What is the tenant-buyer responsible for, and how does it all work?

Fortunately, once you understand the basics, you can take advantage of this excellent option.  You can live in your dream house as you prepare to get more traditional financing, and help build up your credit along the way.

Getting Started

First, how do you find rent to own real estate in Grand Rapids?  There are a few options, and some are easier than others.  First, check with a local Realtor.  They will be able to run a quick search on properties on the MLS, and check if any are offering their homes for sale as a lease option.  From there, you can set a showing, follow up, and begin the process. Continue reading “What to Expect with Rent to Own Real Estate in Grand Rapids MI”

3 Great Reasons to Sell Your Home as a Rent-to-Own in Grand Rapids, MI

HouseThere is a ton of confusion about rent to own houses in Grand Rapids.  At first glance, they seem overwhelming.  How do you set them up?  What paperwork do you need?  What kind of title transfer occurs, and when?

These are all FANTASTIC questions.  But to start, let’s begin with the basics.  If you’re selling your home, why would you want to sell it as a rent-to-own?

1.  Speed

Selling your home traditionally can take a looooong time.  Depending on the market, your home, your asking price, competition, and many other factors, it can take a long time to get an acceptable offer.

Once you receive an offer sheet, it’s still not over.  There’s the inspection period, potential for further negotiations, title work, and more.  Combine these things together, and you can end up waiting months to get your house sold.

MoneyIn many cases, this long wait is just not an option.  If you need to move for your career or family, for instance, speed can be crucial.  If you have to move in days or weeks, the traditional methods of selling may simply take too long. Continue reading “3 Great Reasons to Sell Your Home as a Rent-to-Own in Grand Rapids, MI”