Finding and Working With Homes For Sale By Owner in Grand Rapids MI

The Multiple Listing Service is tight right now in West Michigan.  Right now, inventory is pretty low, and houses are moving quickly.  If it feels like your dream home keeps getting snatched up before you can submit an offer, fear not!  It may be time to search homes for sale by owner in Grand Rapids MI.

But how do you find the right house, and how should you approach the homeowner?

Driving1.  Drive the Neighborhood

Do you have a certain area in mind?  A few blocks where you love the location, the schools, and the local park?  Drive around!  This sounds very basic, but it is one of the best ways to find FSBO homes.  Many houses aren’t listed anywhere online, and the homeowner is hoping to attract buyers with a yard sign.

Keep a close eye out for the signs.  Sometimes, you’ll see big, colorful, obvious markers.  However, some homeowners will only have a small black and white sign on the corner of their property.  Look to see if the notice is posted on the house itself.  Also, be aware – you may be looking for a hand made sign, rather than the classic ‘for sale’ banner.

You may feel a little weird as you slowly drive, looking for homes for sale by owner in Grand Rapids.  Remember though – you may find a great house, and do the homeowner a big favor in the process! Continue reading “Finding and Working With Homes For Sale By Owner in Grand Rapids MI”