Finding and Working With Homes For Sale By Owner in Grand Rapids MI

The Multiple Listing Service is tight right now in West Michigan.  Right now, inventory is pretty low, and houses are moving quickly.  If it feels like your dream home keeps getting snatched up before you can submit an offer, fear not!  It may be time to search homes for sale by owner in Grand Rapids MI.

But how do you find the right house, and how should you approach the homeowner?

Driving1.  Drive the Neighborhood

Do you have a certain area in mind?  A few blocks where you love the location, the schools, and the local park?  Drive around!  This sounds very basic, but it is one of the best ways to find FSBO homes.  Many houses aren’t listed anywhere online, and the homeowner is hoping to attract buyers with a yard sign.

Keep a close eye out for the signs.  Sometimes, you’ll see big, colorful, obvious markers.  However, some homeowners will only have a small black and white sign on the corner of their property.  Look to see if the notice is posted on the house itself.  Also, be aware – you may be looking for a hand made sign, rather than the classic ‘for sale’ banner.

You may feel a little weird as you slowly drive, looking for homes for sale by owner in Grand Rapids.  Remember though – you may find a great house, and do the homeowner a big favor in the process!

Computer2.  Search Key ‘Big Name’ Websites

There are many, many websites that post FSBO homes.  I will list just a few of them here, but you’re welcome to use your favorite search engine to locate more! and are two resources that focus solely on this type of home.  This specificity can help you save time, and they consistently have solid listings available.

Zillow and Trulia offer a more ‘one size fits all’ approach with housing.  They have rentals, recently sold homes, and MLS listings, in addition to FSBOs.  So, you will likely need to dig more, but you will still find good results here.

Classifieds3.  Classified Listings

Classified ads have come a looong way.  There are a lot of opportunities that people miss in the classifieds, so if you’re looking for homes for sale by owner in Grand Rapids, MI, make sure to check these out.

The 800 pound gorilla is Craigslist, but you don’t need to stop there.  Check out the local papers, both in person and online.  Classified ads have different packages, and some people choose to either go ‘online only’ or ‘print only’… check both to find all of the opportunities.  The Grand Rapids Press, the Rapidian, MLive, and others are all great resources to search.

Check out the little stands in coffee shops, and look through papers as you grocery shop.  You’ll be surprised at what you can find!

Partners4.  Look at the seller as your partner.

When you’re working with a FSBO seller, think of them as your partner.  They have a problem they need to solve (getting their house sold), and you can help them by purchasing their home.  By developing an open, honest, and cooperative relationship, you create a win-win situation.

If you are able, create multiple offers for the sellers.  That way, they can consider ALL of their options, such as land contracts, cash sales, traditional offers, lease options, and more.  With homes for sale by owner in Grand Rapids MI, you are better served if you have a few possibilities on the table.

Always follow up with the seller.  Be available to communicate, and respond quickly.  Follow through on your promises, and answer all of their questions.  Know your own numbers, and don’t be afraid to pass if it is not the right house (or price) for you.

So jump in, and find that dream home!