Grand Rapids Rentals: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

GBUWe are very fortunate in Grand Rapids, MI.  There is a lot of quality housing available, and most of it is fairly priced.  However, there are some unfortunate stories from both landlords and tenants about their worst experiences.

So how do you find Grand Rapids rentals that are good, or even great?  How do you avoid the bad?  And perhaps most importantly, how do you see the ugly in advance, and run 100 miles an hour in the opposite direction?

The Good

Let’s start with the bright side.  Most Grand Rapids rentals are nice places that are priced fairly.  If you’re searching for a rental now, I recommend you read our earlier posts on the 3 quickest and easiest ways to find houses for rent and the 4 things to remember as you hunt for apartments.  But how do you know if the rental will be good?  Check a few things.

First, do some research on your landlord.  Are they a professional?  Do they have a management company?  Do they handle move-in, repairs, and rent collection in a quick, effective, way?  Talk to people that have rented from them before.  Did they have a good experience?

VillaIf they are professional, and you get solid recommendations, odds are good that you’ll have an enjoyable rental experience.

There are many great homes for rent managed by individuals.  However, before you sign on the dotted line, ask them about how they respond to tenant requests.  The best ones will have good systems in place to ensure fast response times.

In addition, if you’ll be living close to other people (such as in an apartment complex), ask about the landlord’s noise, trash, and maintenance policies.  It is nice to live in a well-maintained home, and solid regulations can help that happen.

The Bad

Unfortunately, not all Grand Rapids rentals are well maintained.  The problems vary widely… from structural issues to cracking paint, some places can be a bear to live in.

BrokenThe best way to prevent this is to do a very thorough walk-through of the house or apartment before you sign the lease.  Look the whole place over with care.  Does the faucet leak?  Do you feel a draft coming down from the attic?  Is there a window that won’t close right?

This isn’t to say that the place should be perfect.  Every house has it’s quirks and flaws.  However, there’s a difference between a couple of small issues and overall maintenance problems.  You don’t want to live in a house where something breaks every two weeks.  It’s very stressful!

Make sure that your landlord is reachable.  You don’t want to have a pipe burst at 2 AM, and talk to an answering machine while your shoes get soaked.  Work with good, reliable people, and you won’t regret it.

The Ugly

Sometimes, a lease can get downright ugly.  With Grand Rapids rentals, the most common problem we’ve seen is BAD COMMUNICATION.  This is a two way street, and it starts at the very beginning.

AngryBad communication turns a manageable situation ugly in a hurry.  I remember a a house with no clearly defined pet policy.  The tenants and landlord had never discussed animals in the home, and so both people made their own assumptions.

A few months in, one of the renters got a puppy.  And not just any puppy… a purebred Saint Bernard.  This dog would eventually grow to over 200 pounds, and the owner decided to bring her into a college rental house.

At first, there was no communication about the dog.  After a few months, there were a few short conversations, but no one was clear about their needs and wants.  Everyone involved swept the issue under the rug.

As the dog grew, the problems mounted, and it got ugly fast.  There were eviction threats, lawsuits claimed, and terrible feelings on all sides.

Don’t let yourself get into this situation.

Have clear agreements and documentation from the beginning.  Tackle issues head-on.  Document your communication.  And be calm and level-headed.  By working through problems as they arise, you will save yourself major headaches.

So find the good, prevent the bad, and stop your Grand Rapids rental situation from getting ugly.  Get out there, and enjoy living in this beautiful area!